Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1

Adjusted odds ratio for effect ofE
adjusted forCs:

RORE¼ 1 vs:E¼ 0 ¼exp bþ~

p 2

j¼ 1



(giterms not in formula)

II. Odds Ratio for Other
Codings of a

Need to modify OR formula if cod-
ing ofEis not (0, 1)

Focus: üdichotomous

a if exposed
b if unexposed



¼exp ðÞabbþðÞab ~

p 2

j¼ 1



For this model, the formula for theadjusted
odds ratiofor the effect of the exposure variable
on disease status adjusted for the potential
confounding and interaction effects of theCs
is shown here. This formula takes the form
e to the quantitybplus the sum of terms of
the formdjtimesWj. Note that the coefficients
giof the main effect variablesVido not appear
in the odds ratio formula.

Note that this odds ratio formula assumes that
the dichotomous variable E is coded as a(0, 1)
variable with E equal to 1 when exposed and E
equal to 0 when unexposed. If the coding scheme
is different – for example, (1, 1) or (2, 1), or if
Eis an ordinal or interval variable – then the
odds ratio formula needs to be modified.

We now consider other coding schemes for
dichotomous variables. Later, we also con-
sider coding schemes for ordinal and interval

SupposeEis coded to take on the valueaif
exposed andbif unexposed. Then, it follows
from the general odds ratio formula that ROR
equals e to the quantity (ab) timesbplus
(ab) times the sum of thedjtimes theWj.

For example, if a equals 1 andb equals 0,
then we are using the (0, 1) coding scheme
described earlier. It follows thata minus b
equals 1 minus 0, or 1, so that the ROR expres-
sion is e to thebplus the sum of thedjtimes the
Wj. We have previously given this expression
for (0, 1) coding.

In contrast, ifaequals 1 andbequals1, then
aminusbequals 1 minus1, which is 2, so the
odds ratio expression changes to e to the quan-
tity 2 timesbplus 2 times the sum of thedj
times theWj.

As a third example, supposeaequals 100 and
bequals 0, thenaminusbequals 100, so the
odds ratio expression changes to e to the quan-
tity 100 timesb plus 100 times the sum of
thedjtimes theWj.

(A) a = 1, b = 0 ⇒ (a – b) = (1 – 0) = 1

ROR = exp(1b +1Σdj Wj)

(B) a = 1, b = – 1 ⇒ (a – b) = (1 – [–1]) = 2

ROR = exp(2b +2 ΣdjWj)

(C) a = 100, b = 0 ⇒ (a – b) = (100 – 0) = 100

ROR = exp(100b +100ΣdjWj)

Presentation: II. Odds Ratio for Other Codings of a DichotomousE 77
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