Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1
Coding RORd

ðÞAa¼ 1 ;b¼ 0 RORdA¼exp

j¼ 1


ðÞBa¼ 1 ;b¼ 1 RORdB¼exp

2 ^bBþ~

p 2
j¼ 1

2 ^djBWj

(C)a = 100, b = 0 RORC = exp 100 bC + Σ 100 djCWj

p 2

same value

different values
for different

RORA = RORB = RORC bA ≠^ bB ≠^ bC
djA ≠ djB ≠ djC

Thus, depending on the coding scheme forE,
the odds ratio will be calculated differently.
Nevertheless, even though^band the^djwill be
different for different coding schemes, the final
odds ratio value will be the same as long as the
correct formula is used for the corresponding
coding scheme.

As shown here for the three examples above,
which are labeled A, B, and C, the three com-
puted odds ratios will be the same, even
though the estimates^band^djused to compute
these odds ratios will be different for different

As a numerical example, we consider a model
that contains no interaction terms from a data
set of 609 white males from Evans County,
Georgia. The study is a follow-up study to
determine the development of coronary heart
disease (CHD) over 9 years of follow-up. The
variables in the model are CAT, a dichotomous
exposure variable, and fiveVvariables, namely,

This model is written inlogit formas logit P(X)
equalsaplusbtimes CAT plus the sum of five
main effect termsg 1 times AGE plusg 2 times
CHL, and so on up throughg 5 times HPT.

We first describe the results from fitting this
model when CAT is coded as a (0, 1) variable.
Then, we contrast these results with other cod-
ings of CAT.

Because this model contains no interaction
terms and CAT is coded as (0, 1), the odds ratio
expression for the CAT, CHD association is
given by e to^b,where^bis the estimated coeffi-
cient of the exposure variable CAT.

EXAMPLE: No Interaction Model
Evans County follow-up study:
n¼609 white males
D¼CHD status
E¼CAT, dichotomous
V 1 ¼AGE,V 2 = CHL,V 3 = SMK,
V 4 ¼ECG,V 5 = HPT

logit PðXÞ¼aþbCATþg 1 AGE
þg 2 CHLþg 3 SMK
þg 4 ECGþg 5 HPT

CAT: (0, 1) vs. other codings

RORd ¼exp^b

78 3. Computing the Odds Ratio in Logistic Regression

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