Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1

III. Odds Ratio for
Arbitrary Coding ofE


dichotomous, ordinal or interval

logit PðÞ¼X aþbEþ~

p 1

i¼ 1



p 2

j¼ 1


Fitting this no interaction model to the data,
we obtain the estimates listed here.

For this fitted model, then, the odds ratio is
given by e to the power 0.5978, which equals
1.82. Notice that, as should be expected, this
odds ratio is a fixed number as there are no
interaction terms in the model.

Now, if we consider the same data set and the
same model, except that the coding of CAT is
(1, 1) instead of (0, 1), the coefficientb^of CAT
becomes 0.2989, which is one-half of 0.5978.
Thus, for this coding scheme, the odds ratio
is computed as e to 2 times the corresponding
^bof 0.2989, which is the same as e to 0.5978,
or 1.82. We see that, regardless of the coding
scheme used, the final odds ratio result is the
same, as long as the correct odds ratio formula
is used. In contrast, it would be incorrect to use
the (1, 1) coding scheme and then compute
the odds ratio as e to 0.2989.

We now consider the odds ratio formula for
any single exposure variableE, whetherdicho-
tomous, ordinal,orinterval, controlling for a
collection ofCvariables in the context of an
E, V, Wmodel shown again here. That is, we
allow the variableEto be defined arbitrarily of

EXAMPLE (continued)
(0, 1) coding for CAT
Variable Coefficient
Intercept ^a¼ 6 : 7747
CAT ^b¼ 0 : 5978
AGE ^g 1 ¼ 0 : 0322
CHL ^g 2 ¼ 0 : 0088
SMK ^g 3 ¼ 0 : 8348
ECG ^g 4 ¼ 0 : 3695
HPT ^g 5 ¼ 0 : 4392

RORd ¼expð 0 : 5978 Þ¼ 1 : 82
No interaction model: ROR fixed

ðÞ 1 ; 1 coding for CAT:
^b¼ 0 : 2989 ¼^0 :^5978

RORd ¼exp 2 ^b

¼expðÞ 2  0 : 2989
¼expðÞ 0 : 5978
¼ 1 : 82
sameROR as for (0, 1) codingd
Note.RORd 6 ¼expð 0 : 2989 Þ¼ 1 :" 35
incorrect value

Presentation: III. Odds Ratio for Arbitrary Coding ofE 79
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