Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1

E*(group 1) vs.E**(group 2)




p 2

j¼ 1


Same as




p 2

j¼ 1


To obtain an odds ratio for such a generally
definedE, we need to specify two values ofE
to be compared. We denote the two values of
interest asE*andE**. We need to specify two
values because an odds ratio requires thecom-
parison of two groups– in this case two levels
of the exposure variableE– even when the
exposure variable can take on more than two
values, as whenEis ordinal or interval.

The odds ratio formula forE*vs.E**, equals
e to the quantity (E*E**) times b plus
(E*E**) times the sum of thedjtimesWj.
This is essentially the same formula as previ-
ously given for dichotomous E, except that
here, several different odds ratios can be com-
puted as the choice ofE*andE**ranges over
the possible values ofE.

We illustrate this formula with several exam-
ples. First, suppose E gives social support
status as denoted by SSU, which is an index
ranging from 0 to 5, where 0 denotes a person
without any social support and 5 denotes
a person with the maximum social support

To obtain an odds ratio involvingsocial support
status (SSU), in the context of ourE, V, W
model, we need to specify two values ofE.
One such pair of values is SSU*equals 5 and
SSU**equals 0, which compares the odds for
persons who have the highest amount of social
support with the odds for persons who have
the lowest amount of social support. For this
choice, the odds ratio expression becomes e to
the quantity (5 – 0) timesbplus (5 – 0) times
the sum of thedjtimesWj, which simplifies to
eto5bplus 5 times the sum of thedjtimesWj.

Similarly, if SSU*equals 3 and SSU**equals 1,
then the odds ratio becomes e to the quantity
(3 – 1) timesbplus (3 – 1) times the sum of
thedjtimesWj, which simplifies to e to 2bplus
2 times the sum of thedjtimesWj.

E¼SSU¼social support status (0–5)

(A) SSU*¼5 vs. SSU**¼ 0
ROR 5 ; 0 ¼exp SSU*SSU**



¼expðÞ 5  0 bþðÞ 5  0 SdjWj
¼exp 5 bþ 5 SdjWj


(B) SSU*¼3 vs. SSU**¼ 1
ROR 3 ; 1 ¼expðÞ 3  1 bþðÞ 3  1 ~djWj
¼exp 2 bþ 2 ~djWj


80 3. Computing the Odds Ratio in Logistic Regression

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