Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1

IV. The Model and Odds
Ratio for a Nominal
Exposure Variable
(No Interaction Case)

Several exposures:E 1 ,E 2 ,...,Eq


 Odds ratio

Nominal variable:>2 categories

e.g., ü occupational status in
four groups

SSU (0 – 5) ordinal

k categories ) k1 dummy
E 1 ,E 2 ,...,Ek 1

For instance, suppose the medians of each
quintile are 120, 140, 160, 180, and 200. Then
odds ratios can be computed comparing SBP*
equal to 200 with SBP**equal to 120, followed
by comparing SBP*equal to 200 with SBP**
equal to 140, and so on until all possible pairs
of odds ratios are computed. We would then
have a table of odds ratios to consider for asses-
sing the relationship of SBP to the disease out-
come variable. The check marks in the table
shown here indicate pairs of odds ratios that
compare values of SBP*and SBP**.

The final special case of the logistic model that
we will consider expands theE, V, Wmodel to
allow for several exposure variables. That is,
instead of having a singleEin the model, we
will allow severalEs, which we denote byE 1 ,
E 2 , and so on up throughEq. In describing
such a model, we consider some examples
and then give a general model formula and a
general expression for the odds ratio.

First, suppose we have a single nominal ex-
posure variable of interest; that is, instead of
being dichotomous, the exposure contains
more than two categories that are not order-
able. An example is a variable such as occupa-
tional status, which is denoted in general as
OCC, but divided into four groupings or occu-
pational types. In contrast, a variable like
social support, which we previously denoted
as SSU and takes on discrete values ordered
from 0 to 5, is an ordinal variable.

When considering nominal variables in a logis-
tic model, we use dummy variables to distin-
guish the different categories of the variable. If
the model contains an intercept terma, then
we use k1 dummy variables E 1 ,E 2 , and
so on up to Ek 1 to distinguish among k

EXAMPLE (continued)
200 120 ü
200 140 ü
200 160 ü
200 180 ü
180 120 ü
180 140 ü
180 160 ü
160 140 ü
160 120 ü
140 120 ü

82 3. Computing the Odds Ratio in Logistic Regression

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