Chemistry, Third edition

(Wang) #1


(vi)the polymer Saran (used for kitchen wrap).

18.11.A carbonyl compound X has been found by analysis to
have the molecular formula C 3 H 6 O:
(i) Describe a chemical test to prove that X contains a car-
bonyl group.
(ii)X is an aldehyde. Describe how you would experimentally
confirm this fact.
(iii)Write down the structural formulae of the compound(s)
that X could be. How could you confirm the identity of X?


For thousands of years, humans have used natural substances – mainly derived from plants – as dyes.

In 1856 eighteen year old William Henry Perkin accidentally discovered mauveine, the first synthetic
dye. He was attempting to synthesize quinine (which was used in the treatment of malaria) from aniline
and, instead, produced a purple dye. The following year, Perkin opened a factory in Middlesex to pro-
duce the synthetic dye in large quantities.

Extension material to support this unit is available on our website. For a discussion of organic
mechanisms see Appendix 17 and 18 on the website.
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