Chemistry, Third edition

(Wang) #1

If a watch glass of volatile solvent (e.g. ethoxyethane or methanol) is placed below
the path of the infrared light, the intensity of detected infrared light falls (Fig.
20.13(b)). This reduction is caused by invisible solvent molecules in the vapour
absorbing some of the infrared light. It is customary to use wavenumber instead of
wavelength in infrared spectroscopy (Box 20.1).

‘Spring model’ of molecules

A diatomic molecule, such as HCl, can be thought of as two tiny masses (the H and
Cl atoms) connected by a microscopic spring (the covalent bond) (Fig. 20.14).
The vibration of a diatomic molecule involves the compression and extension of its
covalent bond. The number of ‘to and fro’ movements per second is called the vibra-
tional frequencyof the molecule. The greater is the vibrational energy of a
molecule, the higher is the amplitude of its vibration i.e. the greater is the distance
travelled by the atoms during the vibration.
All molecules consist of atoms in continuous vibration – even at 0 K. Infrared
absorption spectra are produced when molecules increase their vibrational energy by
absorbing infrared light. The electronicenergy of molecules does not change in these
transitions (see Fig. 20.4). When a hydrogen chloride molecule absorbs infrared


Fig. 20.13Demonstration of infrared absorption. Vapour from the solvent absorbs some of the
infrared light so that the intensity of light recorded by the detector falls.

BOX 20.1

In the infrared region, chemists depart from
the practice of plotting absorbance against
frequency or wavelength. Instead, spectra
usually consist of absorbance values
plotted against wavenumber. This gives
more conveniently sized values. The
wavenumber, symbolized  ̄, is the number
of complete wavelengths per centimetre.
This means that it is connected to
wavelength by the relationship
 ̄ = —

When is expressed in centimetres,  ̄ is in
cm–1– its usual units.

Wavenumbers are directly proportional to
the frequency (in Hz):
 ̄ (cm–1) = 3.333 × 10 –11×

Rearrangement of this equation shows that
1cm–1is equivalent to light of frequency
3.000× 1010 Hz. A high frequency means
a high wavenumber. In fact, some chemists
in conversation speak of frequency when
they mean wavenumber! Although incorrect,
this serves to remind us that only a simple
conversion factor separates the two

Fig. 20.14The vibration of a
hydrogen chloride molecule is
caused by the stretching of its
chemical bond. The molecule
vibrates about 10^14 times a
second. Absorption of a
photon increases the
amplitude of the vibration, but
does not alter its frequency.

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