Chemistry, Third edition

(Wang) #1

mean bond enthalpy HA–B An average bond diss-
ociation energy for a bond A–B, for example averaged
over several different types of molecules.

melting point The temperature at which a solid melts at a
particular pressure (see normal melting point).

metalloid Elements with properties that lie between those
typical of metals and non-metals. Also known as semi-

miscible Liquids which dissolve in each other (i.e. mix).

molar absorption coefficient Symbolized ; A measure
of the intensity of absorption of a substance at a particu-
lar wavelength.

molar solubility The concentration of a substance (in
units of moles per cubic decimetre, i.e. mol dm^3 ) in a
saturated solution of that substance at that temperature.

mole (mol) The SI unit of amount of substance

mole fraction The number of moles of a substance in a
mixture divided by the total number of moles of all the
components of the mixture.

molecule A neutral particle consisting of two or more
atoms combined in a definite ratio.

neutral solution A solution with equal numbers of hydro-
nium and hydroxide ions, with a pH equal to 7 at 25 °C.

neutralization reaction The chemical reaction in which a
base ‘cancels out’ an acid, producing a salt and water only.

neutron A neutral particle found in atoms of all elements
(except for protium 11 H).

NMR Nuclear magnetic resonance – a type of spectroscopy.

noble gas A Group 18 element.

normal boiling point Also known as normal boiling tem-
perature – the temperature at which the vapour pressure
of a liquid equals 1 atm.

normal freezing point Also called normal freezing tem-
perature– the temperature at which a liquid freezes
under a pressure of 1 atm.

normal melting point Also called melting temperature

  • the temperature at which a solid melts under a
    pressure of 1 atm. Equals the normal freezing point.

nucleon A name for the particles in the nucleus (i.e. for
neutrons and protons).

nuclide Anatomof a particular isotope.

orbital The volume in which an electron is to be found
with a certain probability (e.g. 90%). Each orbital holds
up to two electrons, which may be thought of as spinning
in opposite directions.

osmosis The flow of solvent (usually water) through a
semipermeable membrane.

osmotic pressure The pressure which must be applied
across a semipermeable membrane in order to stop

oxidizing agent A substance which causes another sub-
stance to be oxidized in a chemical reaction and is itself

pascal (Pa) SI unit of pressure, 101 325 Pa = 1 atm.

percent transmittance The percentage of light at a par-
ticular wavelength which is allowed through a sample in
a spectrometer; defined as (I/Io)100.

pH The negative logarithm of the hydronium ion concen-
tration in an aqueous solution. At 25 °C, pure water is
neutral with a pH of 7.0.

phenol An organic compound in which an –OH group is
directly attached to a benzene ring, e.g. C 6 H 5 OH.

photolysis The decomposition of a substance using light
as the energy source.

photon A ‘particle’ of light; it has no mass and consists of
pure energy.

pKa The negative logarithm of an acidity constant.

pKb The negative logarithm of a basicity constant.

polar molecule A molecule having one end that is posi-
tively charged while the other is equally negatively

polyatomic molecule A molecule that contains more
than two atoms, e.g. O 3 , H 2 O.

precipitation The formation of an insoluble substance in

precision The closeness of repeat measurements.

proton A positively charged particle in the nucleus of all
atoms; also an isolated hydrogen ion.

pyrolysis The decomposition of a substance using heat as
the energy source.

radioactivity The spontaneous disintegration of nuclei.

radioisotope An isotope that is radioactive.

radionuclide An atom of a radioisotope.

random errors Errors which cause repeat measurements
to be scattered (up and down) around the true value.

rate constant (k) The rate of a reaction (at a particular
temperature) when the reacting substances are at a con-
centration of 1 mol dm^3 ;kvalues measure the relative
speeds of different reactions.

rate expression An expression, found by experiment,
which relates the reaction rate to the rate constant and to
the concentrations of the reactants.

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