Chemistry, Third edition

(Wang) #1

octane number of petrol, 314B
octanol, 423
expanded, 64
lack of, 63
of electrons, 46
rule, 63
oil, 312, 313
oils, 340B
oleic acid, 123, 339B
oligosaccharides, 337B
optical brighteners, 379
optical isomerism, 317B, 342
optically active, 342
orbitals, 43, 44
order of reaction, 250
finding, 255
organic chemistry, 199, 307
organic compounds, analysis of,
organochlorines, 419
organometallic, 421
osmosis, 187
osmotic pressure, 187, 188
oxalate, oxidation of, 143
oxalic acid, 98, 326
as electron loss, 101
definition of, 100–102
from oxidation number
change, 102
ladders, 103
oxidation number, 102
of elements, 102B
oxidation state, see oxidation
oxides of Group 1 elements, 195
oxidizing agent, 104
oxyacetylene, 321
oxygen, in water, 184, 417
ozone, 73B, 412–413
absorption spectrum, 413B
layer in atmospshere, 412

paraffins, 307
paramagnetic, 206
paraquat, 421
partition, see distribution ratio
Pascal’s triangle, 388
passivity of zinc, 115
Pauling, Linus, 58B, 61B
p-block elements, 194
PCBs, 416B
peptides, 344
percent transmittance, 371
percentage composition, by mass
of element, 124
percentage yield, calculation of,
130, 131
periodic law, 213B
Periodic Table
description of, 193, 194
of Mendeleev, 213B

periods, in periodic table, 194,
211, 212
peroxides of Group 1 elements, 195
pesticides, 419–421
petrol, quality of, 314B
pH, 150–151, 286–293
pH meter, 150, 286
phenanthrene, 327
as antiseptic, 346B
reactions of, 348B
phenols, 345
phenyl group, 324
phosphates, 416
phosphorus, bonding in
fluorides, 65
photochemical reaction, 260, 314
photographic films, 203
photons, 366
photosynthesis, 116, 416
and light absorption, 395
physical changes, description of,
pi bond, 320B
pKa, 290
pKb, 294
pKw, 285
Planck constant, 367
plane polarized light, 342, 342B
plasma, 408
pnicogens, 193
covalent molecules, 57
substances and rules of
solubility, 170
water as a solvent, 51
polarization, 59
polarity of solvents 171T
Polaroid, 342B
concentration of in water, 147
definition, 411
polyamide, 340B
polyaromatic hydrocarbons, 327
polyatomic ions, 60
polychlorinated biphenyls, see
polydentate ligand, 209
polymerization condensation,
polymerization of alkenes,
polymers, 319
polypeptide, 344
polysaccharides, 337B
p-orbitals, 44
dichromate ion, spectrum of ,
dichromate, use in redox
titrations, 143
hydroxide, dissolution of, 91
permanganate, use in redox
titrations, 142, 143
see Group 1 elements

precipitation, 85
and solubility product, 179
of hydroxides, 96
precision, 7
and standard deviation, 8
of gases, 157
partial, 160
propane as fuel, 314B
formula, 308T
propanoic acid, 338T
propene, formula, 316T
propionic acid, 338T
proteins, 340B, 344, 345
hydrogen bonding in, 79
structure of, 345
protons, 30
purity, importance in chemistry,
PVC, 320

quantitative analysis, 322B
quantum theory, 38B
quartz, 200T

radiation (nuclear), 400T
radioactivity, 399
radioisotopes, 401
radionuclides, 401
uses of, 405–409
radioactivity and^226 Ra, 402
see Group 2 elements
radon, 414, 415
see Group 18 elements
rain water, pH of, 151, 286
Ramsey, William, 205B
rate constant, 250
rate expressions, 250
rate of reaction, variation with
concentration, 244, 246
Rayleigh, Lord, 205B
reaction intermediates, 260
reaction mechanism
and kinetics, 261
reaction rates, 241
factors affecting, 245
recrystallization, 353B
couples, 107
definition of, 100, 101
half-reaction, 101
titrations, 142
redox equations, 104–106
reducing agent, 104
as Group 1 elements, 194
as electron gain, 101
definition of, 100–102
from oxidation number
change, 102
resonance, 60, 61, 386
hybrid, 61

respiration, 116
respiratory exchange ratio, 231
retention factor, 362
retention time, 363
reversible reactions, 265
Rfvalue, 362
rust prevention, 114, 115
rusting, see corrosion
Rutherford, 30

sacrificial protection, 115
salt bridge, 108
salts, 91–92
hydrolysis of, 295
SATP, 157
saturated hydrocarbons, 314
saturated solution, 170
s-block elements, 194
scandium, see d-block elements
scientific notation, 1
seawater, composition of, 83B
semiconductors, 202, 202B
semimetals, see metalloids
semipermeable membrane, 187
separating funnel, 353
separation techniques, 364T
of molecules, 65–70
of transition metal complexes,
SHE, 107, 108
shielding, 388
sigma bond, 320B
significant figures, 10–11, 11B, 12B
silica, see silicon dioxide
see Group 14 elements
silicon chips, 202
silicon dioxide
properties of, 200T
structure, 200
silver bromide, 88, 203
silver chloride, 87, 203
silver iodide, 88, 203
silver mirror, 336
silver nitrate, use in tests, 87, 88, 201
silver oxide, 97
Smalley, Richard, 75
smog, 416
and hard water, 198B
as a colloidal solution, 191
cleaning action of, 175B
aluminosilicate, 357
arsenite, 420
borohydride, 336
chlorate, 420
chloride, see sodium chloride
dichromate, in breathalyser,
decomposition of, 94, 195
see Group 1 elements

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