Chemistry, Third edition

(Wang) #1


r 0

The farther an
electron is from the
nucleus, the higher
is its energy.

Fig. 3.8The Bohr model of
the atom. The electrons are
shown as . The nucleus is
represented as a dot.

BOX 3.1

Quantum theory
Most people have heard of the ‘quantum
theory’ and the mere mention of it is
guaranteed to stop most conversations
in their tracks! Yet, many of the ideas
behind the quantum theory are
beautifully simple.

A quantity is quantized when it is only
allowed to take on certain values. Time
can take any value (2.5 seconds,
123.6787 7 seconds, 0.0143 seconds
etc.) and is not quantized. On the other
hand, the position of a painter on a ladder
is quantized since he can only stand where
there are rungs (Fig. 3.9).

The idea that the energy of electrons is
quantised was first put forward by Max

Planck in 1900. One feature of the
mathematics of the quantum theory is

that it produces ‘magic numbers’ which
can only take on certain values: such
numbers are known as quantum
numbers. For example, in the case of the
hydrogen atom, the energy Eof an
electron is proportional to the principal
quantum numbernof the electron’s
shell. This quantum number can only take
the values, 1, 2, 3, 4 and so on. The fact
that the value of nis restricted to certain
values, means that the value of Eis also
limited to certain values. Similar
relationships apply to all atoms and in
every case the quantization of the
energy of an electron is a natural
consequence of the existence of
quantum numbers.

isotope, will be the most intense. Generalizing, the intensity and m/evalue of peaks in
a mass spectrum are very useful in helping chemists to decide what molecules were
present in the original sample. For more information, see Appendix 2 on the website.

Electronic structure of atoms

Bohr model of the atom

In 1913 Niels Bohr (1885–1962) suggested that the electrons circling the nucleus
could only possess certain energies. In other words, the energy of the electron is
quantized. The key features of the Bohr model (Fig. 3.8) are:

1.Each shell of electrons lies at a definite radius (called the Bohr radius) from the
nucleus. The electrons in each shell are at the same energy.

2.Only some values of Bohr radius are allowed. This means that only certain
energy levels are allowed.

3.Each shell is labelled with a principal quantum numbern. For example, the shell
closest to the nucleus is labelled n1 and in the hydrogen atom its Bohr radius,
r 0 ,is 52.9 pm from the nucleus. The higher the value of n, the higher the energy
of the electron.

4.In order to change from one energy level E 1 to another E 2 , the electron must
gain (or lose) an amount of energy which is exactly equalto the difference in
energy (symbolized E) between the two levels:

EE 2 E 1

5.Each shell can only hold a fixed number of electrons. For example, the first shell
can hold up to two electrons and the second up to eight electrons. (The total
number of electrons allowed in a shell is 2n^2 .)

6.Electrons will occupy as low an energy level as possible. This means that if elec-
trons are fed into the shells of an atom the lowest energy shells are filled first.


Fig. 3.9Whether he knows it or not,
the position of the painter on the ladder
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