Chemistry, Third edition

(Wang) #1


Diamond is a transparent solid which does not conduct electricity. In diamond, each
carbon atom forms single covalent bonds to four other carbon atoms, which are at
the corners of a tetrahedron. The four carbon atoms are, in turn, covalently bonded
to four other carbon atoms and so on. This bonding exists throughout the entire
crystal. A part of this arrangement is shown in Fig. 5.8. When all the atoms in a crystal
are covalently bonded to one another throughout the whole crystal, the solid is
termed a network solid.
Diamond is a very hard substance because the carbon–carbon single bonds are
very strong and extend throughout the whole structure. In order to melt diamond,
many of these bonds need to be broken and this requires a high temperature. This
explains why diamond has a very high melting point (3823 K).


Graphite is another allotrope of carbon and another example of a
network solid. Graphite is a soft, blackish solid that conducts
electricity (unusual for a covalently bonded substance!). In
graphite, there are layers of carbon atoms. Within each layer,
each carbon atom is covalently bonded to three others in a trigo-
nal planar arrangement (Fig. 5.9).
Although the covalent bonds between the carbon atoms within
the layers are strong, the layers are held together by weak forces
(London dispersion forces) and can slide over one another easily.
Graphite therefore has a ‘slippery’ feel and is used as a lubricant
and as the so-called ‘lead’ in pencils. The pencil marks paper
because the layers of graphite are easily rubbed off. Each carbon
atom uses only three of its valency electrons in bonding to three
other carbon atoms and therefore has one valency electron left
over. These electrons form a cloud above and below the layers,
rather like that in the metallic bond. The free electrons allow
graphite to conduct electricity and account for its shiny appear-
ance. Soot consists of small crystals of graphite.


Unlike diamond and graphite, which have been known for many
centuries, this third allotrope of carbon has been discovered only
recently (1985). The allotrope has the formula C 60 and, although it cannot be classi-
fied as a giant molecule in the same way as diamond and graphite are giant
molecules, it is still much larger than other molecular solids such as S 8 or P 4. The
shape of C 60 resembles domes designed by the American architect Buckminster
Fuller, hence its name. The arrangement of carbon atoms also resembles a football
(Fig. 5.10), with twenty hexagons and twelve pentagons; because of this a more
informal name for the allotrope is sometimes used – bucky ball. Buckminster-
fullerene is a dark solid at room temperature and dissolves in covalent solvents, such
as benzene. Research still continues into its properties. Chemical derivatives of the
allotrope are believed to have great potential for a number of applications, including
lubricants, batteries and semiconductors. Three scientists – Harry Kroto, Richard


Fig. 5.8The arrangement of
carbon atoms in diamond.

Fig. 5.10The arrangement of carbon atoms in
buckminsterfullerene: (a) is the arrangement of the
carbon atoms; (b) is a football for comparison.

Fig. 5.9The arrangements of carbon atoms in

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