Key Points To Remember From Chapter 5..............
93% Of Our Communication Comes From Body
Language And Voice Tone.
Remember that women are ALWAYS watching you for
clues on what you’re REALLY like.
Make sure you always walk tall. Keep your shoulders
back and your head high at all times. Slow down your
physical movements and add pauses to your speech to
create an aura of confidence that women can’t resist.
Eye Contact Is Key.
When you make eye contact with a woman, hold it
and squint your eyes a tiny bit instead of looking away.
Slightly raise an eyebrow. This lets a woman know RIGHT
AWAY that she’s dealing with a confident and powerful
Don’t Waste Time Trying To ‘Read’ Women...
Just Keep Advancing.
I’ve found that trying to ‘read’ women is a HUGE
waste of time.
If a woman is acting friendly towards you, just ask her
for her e-mail address and phone number.
If you’re out for a walk and things are going well,
reach over and give her a kiss.
The key is to always be advancing. You have
NOTHING to lose. And it will get easier each time you do