Double Your Dating

(Amelia) #1

Chapter 6: The Basics of Style and

Class, Plus More On How To Fascinate


Be Prepared! Expect...........................................

It’s funny to me that so many people expect to fail.
For instance, I once heard someone say, “A woman won’t
get into an unmade bed.” This is actually pretty
interesting if you think about it. My point here is to
encourage you to not only expect success in your mind,
but also expect success in the real world.

Here are a couple of ways to expect and plan for

  1. Keep your house organized and clean.

  2. Keep your bed made with clean sheets.

  3. Keep a few nice things to drink in the house so you
    can offer them to guests.

  4. Keep some ‘protection’ in the house.

See where I’m going with this?

If you’re not prepared to have a guest, then you’re
going to do all kinds of things to screw up your chances of
success with women.

Right now, think of all the things you need to do so
that there are NO obstacles preventing you from success
in your car, house, etc.

Now let’s talk about a few ways to REALLY separate
yourself from most other men.

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