Go get the books Handwriting Analysis by Karen
Amend, Palm Reading: A Little Guide To Life’s Secrets by
Dennis Fairchild, and An Introduction to Hand Reflexology
by Denise Brown. You can order all of them at
Then sit down for an evening and read them. Learn
some basics about how to tell people what they’re like
from studying handwriting samples, looking at their
palms, feeling tension in their bodies, etc.
This stuff is ABSOLUTELY FASCINATING to women.
All you have to do is take a woman’s hand, look at it,
and say, “Well, you’re a very interesting person.”
That’s it... it’s almost like magic.
After revealing to her all of her secret desires, you
can move directly into your hand massage and
Reflexology methods. I’m hoping that the benefits of
these techniques speak for themselves.
By the way, it doesn’t hurt to know a few advanced or
unusual massage moves either. So you might want to
check out a couple of books on massage while you’re at
Get A Few Good Props
Props are things that give a woman something to talk
A big stuffed animal in your house might be a prop.
Your dog might be a prop.
A picture of you and your mom might be a prop.