Double Your Dating

(Amelia) #1

to help you communicate. So log on and practice... it’s the
only way to get better at it.

Step 5: After making a connection with a woman online,
make sure to get her on the phone as soon as possible.
You do NOT want to become just another online pal... and
the longer you wait to ADVANCE things, the greater your
chances of becoming just another boring loser who pings
her all the time.

Bottom line: get out there and start trying this stuff.
Learning the online world takes a while, but it’s worth it if
you like to meet women anytime you feel like it.

Meeting Women At Dance Lessons

Another good place to meet tons of single women is at
dance lessons. I know, I know...sounds kind of fruity. But
dance classes are LOADED with single women who LOVE
GUYS WHO CAN DANCE. Heck, they even love guys who
want to LEARN to dance.

Here’s the breakdown:

Most rudimentary dance lessons are set up in the
same format. You have limited dance time with numerous
partners. This is perfect.

Here are a few ideas for being cocky/funny on the
ballroom dance floor...

“Hi, I’ll be your host for the next three minutes. If
you can dance well, have a nice personality, and don’t
step on my feet more than forty-seven times, I’ll let you
be my friend.”

“OK, impress me.”

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