Double Your Dating

(Amelia) #1

Getting Phone Numbers And E-mail Addresses

Stop focusing on just getting phone numbers. I’ve
found that e-mail addresses are far better.

Let me explain.

I perfected the art of getting phone numbers a couple
of years ago. If a woman is single, I could walk up to her
and get her number in about a minute. I found out later,
after working like a mad scientist on this skill, that
numbers don’t equal success.

You see, women have many different reasons for
giving out their phone numbers. Some love the attention
of having a lot of men call them. Some like to turn guys
down. Some are actually interested. But based on the
universal feedback that I get from men and my personal
experience, women act differently on the phone than they
do in person.

When you call a woman for the first time, she’ll often
start acting stand offish or even worse, just plain rude.

I’ve found that getting an e-mail address is not only
easier, but it gets more positive responses later on.

It’s almost like women appreciate it that you’ve taken
the time to think about what you’re going to say when
you write an e-mail to them.

The other benefit of e-mail is that it can be written
and answered anytime.

If you call, you have to actually reach them.

But an e-mail can be answered anytime.

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