(For instance... her opinion on older women dating
younger men.)
Another one of my favorites is to simply tell her that I
noticed her and wanted to find out what she was like.
I’ve found these two approaches to work well for me,
but the most important thing to remember is that it’s not
what you say, but how you say it.
Make sure you don’t act “too happy” or overly excited
when approaching a woman. Keep a serious look on your
face, and speak with a slow, mysterious confidence.
Your calmness and comfort will put her at ease and
make the conversation flow smoothly.
Starting Conversations With Women Is No Big
Don’t worry about making your approach appear
‘natural’ or try to ‘sneak’ your way into a conversation
with a woman. It’s far better to just be interesting and
get her attention.
Many men have a hard time walking up to a woman
they don’t know and starting up a conversation. I know I
sure did when I was first started out.
The only sure cure is to GO FOR IT... and keep doing it
until you finally get over it. It will happen a lot faster than
you think.
Remember, the only power a woman has over you is
Keep your power for yourself. If a woman is rude to
you or turns you away, just move on to the next one.
Persistence is the price of success.