Double Your Dating

(Amelia) #1

minivan’ chemicals take over. Deal with it. (If you want to
understand this process better, read The Alchemy of Love
and Lust by Theresa Crenshaw.)

So now that you know this, how do you keep this
whole thing from turning into an episode of “All in the

Well, the short answer is, keep up the fun, interesting,
unpredictable behavior. Notice the details. Do thoughtful

Here’s something that I’ve learned in life: If you want
to get back more than you give, then play the stock
market. It’s not gonna happen in relationships. In fact, if
you want to get a lot back, you’re probably going to have
to give even more.

Most people are selfish and say, “I’m not going to give
more than I get.” But instead of getting a lot, all they get
is old and unhappy. I’ve found that it’s much better to
give a ton and get back a lot in return, not caring about
the fact that I didn’t get as much as I gave than to give
little or none and get back little or none.

Relationships aren’t like investing. If you want a lot,
get used to giving more. But it’s worth it in the end,
because love, attention, humor, and fun aren’t like
money. If you give them out, you don’t have less. You
have MORE. Get it?

Now that you’ve read this book, you probably have
that same feeling that I had when I first learned all of this
amazing material. You’re probably excited.

Well, there’s more.

If you are ready to take your education to the next
level and advance at a faster pace, then you need to
check out my other programs. They take this foundation

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