But if you’re like me and you were given a set of ideas
about women that you are now realizing to be less than
useful, then move on and start thinking about the subject
My perspective is that sleeping with different women
breaks no ‘law of the universe’, and it’s not an ethical
dilemma if you’re single. Any objections that are in
existence were created mostly to control and not to
liberate. My perspective is also that it’s important to be
honest with people about your views. And yes, this means
talking to women about them. In my life, I’ve mostly had
long-term girlfriends. And if I tell a woman that I’m going
to be faithful, then I am.
But when you’re single, then I see nothing wrong with
dating as many women as you want. (Keep in mind that
there are some crazy viruses, diseases, and other scary
bugs that want to jump on your wiener. So use good
I’ve found that if you explain this topic like I just have
to a woman, you’ll often show her a perspective that
she’s never even considered. My experience is that
women actually LOVE to hear a man talking this way. It’s
refreshing to women to hear a man being open about this
controversial topic rather than hiding his ideas. It’s
important to remember what I said above: “It’s OK To Be
A Man.”
If you are who you are and make no apologies for
yourself, you will be taken seriously. But if you approach
the topic cautiously and act like you’re trying to see if
she’s OK with your views, you’ll be seen as weak and
I’ve found that most women will accept you as you
are. But if you try to act like someone that you’re not and
you’re found out, you will be treated with disrespect and