Double Your Dating

(Amelia) #1

have made the choice to be negative about everything
are usually playing out a drama that’s beyond what I’m
interested in addressing and probably beyond the power
of this book to change.

If, on the other hand, you are one of the people who
is willing to give new things a try and agree to begin
saying things like, “I can do something if I choose to” and
“I can change if I really want to”, then I think you will be

The key here is to begin taking a positive mindset and
talking to yourself in a positive way.

Here’s an exercise for you to do: Take out a piece of
paper and write down all the negative thoughts you have
about yourself, all the negative things you say to
yourself, and all the areas where a ‘positive’ outlook
would help you. Then, start writing down positive things
you can say to yourself instead and begin saying them.

Keep working on this exercise until you stop saying
negative things to yourself. This could take you years like
it did for me. But it’s worth it, so trust me. This one
process will improve all areas of your life, so use it

It’s also important to make mental pictures and
rehearse the success that you’d like to have. As you’re
going to sleep, create mental movies of yourself being
successful in different kinds of situations and with
different types of women. Mental rehearsal is the next
best thing to actually doing something, so do it as often
as you can.

If you make a mental movie of the ideal you doing
the things that I’m going to teach you and review in your
mind every day, you will see improvement and results. If
you don’t do this part, you’ll be wondering why you can’t
seem to get it right when the opportunity comes along.

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