You’ll notice that many super-hotties will throw
tantrums if they don’t like what’s going on or aren’t
getting their way... this is a sure sign that they are not
living in the same reality as most people... when they
don’t get what they want, they get upset because this has
worked since they were little...
Now, on a subconscious level, I’ve noticed that most
hot women realize that they are being ridiculous when
they act like bitches, throw tantrums, etc. but it doesn’t
really matter because it still WORKS for them when they
want what they want... are you with me?
Underneath all of this behavior, they are still FEMALE
and they are looking for what other females are also
looking for...
What are women looking for?
Well, for the record, I have no idea. After 30 years of
studying people, Freud said that there was one question
that he didn’t have the answer to... “What do women
want?” Nice.
BUT, here’s my take on it: First and foremost, they
want a man who is in CONTROL (of the situation, himself,
his emotions, other people, her... control of the entire
reality that they share).
Let me ask you, if you were a woman who wanted to
test a man to see if he will stay in control, how would you
do it? Would you ask the man, “If I get out of hand, will
you spank me and put me in my place?”
So they test us by CHALLENGING us to see if we’ll
stay in control. The reason I do all of this “Never give a
woman a direct answer... unless it’s NO... Never give a