Double Your Dating

(Amelia) #1

Persistence is key. Never give up... if a woman says,
“We’re not going to have sex tonight”, I immediately
think to myself, “Ohhh, she just let me know that she’s
feeling some temptation and wants to get the
responsibility off herself... this is going to be fun and

Trust me on this one.

Their words are usually hollow and meaningless...
watch their BEHAVIOR...

Now, DON’T take this to mean that if a woman
says, “STOP” when you’re touching her that she wants
you to rape her... this kind of dumb-ass thinking will
result in jail time and your getting a large new boyfriend
named Otis.

Just realize that a “No” said with longing in her eyes
or passion in her kiss usually means, “Get me more
turned on by kissing my neck, caressing me, smelling me,
and saying romantic and sexy things.”

I’ve realized that women shift gears all the time and
next time you talk to her she might be in a completely
different mood, etc. so if you really want her, don’t give
up the first time something weird happens.

Want To Answer .................................................. How To Answer Any Question That You Don’t

Want To Answer

Women have a way with questions.

They seem to always ask questions that men don’t
want to answer.

Questions like:

“Are you seeing anyone else right now?”

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