Key Points To Remember From Chapter 4................
Stay In Control By Passing Her Tests.
Remember that attractive women are accustomed to
getting anything they want and often get upset if they
don’t get things their way.
Women will constantly test you to see how much they
can get away with... and this is where most guys cave and
lose their personal power. Use this situation as an
opportunity to stand out... watch for her tests and stay in
Remind yourself that she is a GUEST in your reality,
not the other way around.
Be The First To End The Interaction.
Most guys make the mistake of lingering around a
woman and trying to spend as much time with her as she
will allow... whether they are talking to her on the phone
or hanging out with her in person.
By being the first to end the interaction, you show her
that you’re not needy and you have a life of your own.
And... you’ll INSTANTLY separate yourself from all of
the lame, wussy guys she’s dated in the past.
Build Her Curiosity By Being Mysterious.
Most guys make the mistake of trying to force their
life story down a woman’s throat the first night they meet
Baaad move.