not just as a seller of products to their constituents, but also as a
partner in the more altruistic purposes embraced by the target au-
dience. In a public relations sense, few opportunities exceed cause-
related marketing in gaining access to the press, community lead-
ers, churches, charities, and the person in the street.
Ideas for corporate cause-related events are infinite,
among them:
■Sponsorship of an AIDS Run or Race for the Cure™
■Sponsorship of a silent auction/reception to raise funds for a
local Boys Club or Girls Club
■Sponsorship of a “Sports Day” for inner-city children
■Sponsorship of a cleanup campaign for a community park
■Sponsorship of a recognition day and festival to honor the
police department and firefighters
■Sponsorship of a Thanksgiving fundraiser to help feed the
homeless and indigent
■Sponsorship of a program designed to raise funds for school-
books and teaching aids
Cause-related programs are fertile fields in which to develop
cross-promotions with others. Related companies, associations,
community groups, and religious organizations may welcome the
opportunity to join the effort. This can measurably increase the
impact and acceptance of the cause, as well as the response of
the target markets being invited to participate.
Additionally, cause-related promotions are an effective public
relations tool in softening attitudes toward a corporation that may
be attempting to overcome negative public opinion. Tobacco com-
panies are an example of such an industry. The Philip Morris
Companies produces many food products unrelated to its more
recognized tobacco products. With sensitivity to the debate and
negative public image of the tobacco industry, Philip Morris ran
national television advertisements illustrating its airlifting of foods
and other products to aid the war-ravaged people of Kosovo. It was
an effective campaign that not only positioned the company as hu-
manitarian and community spirited, but also illustrated the breadth
of its product line. Such cause-related campaigns may be global or
local in scope. But they are almost guaranteed to gain positive
public relations value and corporate recognition.
148 Chapter 6 Marketing Corporate Meetings, Products, Services, and Events