Event Marketing: How to Successfully Promote Events, Festivals, Conventions, and Expositions

(WallPaper) #1

value price that a larger, broader market can afford would be more
The use of coupons can also make an event more attractive.
When planning an event, the marketer generally tries to find a retail
partner that can distribute discount coupons to attract a larger au-
dience. Typically, retailers that feature these discount coupons are
supermarket chains, drug stores, fast-food restaurants, and even
pizza delivery chains. Another important source of discount coupons
is in print advertising. By tagging a coupon in a print advertisement,
there is the inclination for the public to tear out the advertisement,
thus adding another reminder about the upcoming event.


The success of an event is also dependent on the marketing of the
entertainment. There are many types of entertainment that can be
marketed in a variety of ways. For big-name stars, an interview on
a radio station and a press release announcing tickets going on sale
are effective for a quick sellout. Different and new types of enter-
tainment, on the other hand, may require larger marketing and
public relations budgets.
When “Defending the Caveman,” a one-man comedy show,
started playing in Washington, DC, there was a need for numerous
newspaper advertisements and a public relations campaign to pro-
mote this alternative to the typical comedy club show. At the on-
set of the show, there had never been a truly successful one-man
comedy show outside of Broadway. After the show ran in five
cities and began to receive strong public relations support and
word of mouth, it began selling out across the country, leading to
Broadway’s longest running comedy show. As the show moved
from San Francisco to Dallas to Washington, the marketing was al-
tered and became more sophisticated. What started with newspa-
per advertisements eventually moved to radio and direct mail.

Determining Appropriate

Media for an Event

Certain types of media help elevate the excitement of events. For
visual events, the marketer looks to use television advertisements.
When print advertisements are desired, the use of color can lead

Determining Appropriate Media for an Event 155
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