Event Marketing: How to Successfully Promote Events, Festivals, Conventions, and Expositions

(WallPaper) #1
home cooking, and perhaps even a ghost story or two. It is in-
cumbent upon the marketing executive to look for the uniquefea-
tures of the location, capture these assets, and capitalize on them
in attracting those guests who might not otherwise be compelled
to attend for the program itself. Use the local convention bureau,
chamber of commerce, and host facility to gain key promotional
phrases and to learn all about the unique assets of the site. They
know the features of the location and may even provide ancillary
literature and photos to integrate into your marketing elements.

5. WHAT?

Every event is unique unto itself, or at least the marketing execu-
tives should present it as such. It may offer an opportunity to dis-
cover a new concept, a look into the future of the industry or
trade, or a chance to view an innovative line of products and
ideas. Regardless of the content you have identified, every event
should be presented as refreshing and exciting.

40 Chapter 2 Event Promotion, Advertising, and Public Relations

Figure 2-4
Most events provide a combination of the benefits listed here, as
well as others more specific to the sponsoring organization. For
marketers, the purposesof the event should be interpreted to
illustrate the benefitsawaiting the attendee.

Education and Training Attendees will learn how to face
tomorrow’s issues.
Networking Attendees will meet new friends and
establish profitable business alliances.
Entertainment Attendees will be mesmerized by the
magic of our closing banquet.
“Choose Your Topic” Attendees will pick a topic and discuss
Roundtable Sessions it over coffee with colleagues.
“Support Your Charter Attendees will have an opportunity at
School System” our awards dinner to financially
support our efforts for improved
educational options for elementary
school students in our community.
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