MATLAB Object-Oriented Programming

(Joyce) #1

function output = myFunc(obj,arg1,arg2)

Static Methods in Separate Files

To create a static method, set the method Static attribute to true and list the function
signature in a static methods block in the classdef file. Include the input and output
arguments with the function name. For example:

classdef MyClass
methods (Static)
output = staticFunc1(arg1,arg2)

Define the functions in separate files using the same function signature. For example, in
the file @MyClass/staticFunc1.m:

function output = staticFunc1(arg1,arg2)

and in @Myclass/staticFunc2.m:

function staticFunc2

Methods You Must Define in the classdef File

Define the following methods in the classdef file. You cannot define these methods in
separate files:

  • Class constructor

  • All functions that use dots in their names, including:

    • Converter methods that must use the package name as part of the class name
      because the class is contained in packages

Methods in Separate Files
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