MATLAB Object-Oriented Programming

(Joyce) #1

Listener Callback Syntax

In this section...
“Specifying Listener Callbacks” on page 11-30
“Input Arguments for Callback Function” on page 11-30
“Additional Arguments for Callback Function” on page 11-31

Specifying Listener Callbacks

Callbacks are functions that execute when the listener receives notification of the event.
Pass a function handle referencing the callback function to handle.addlistener or
handle.listener when creating the listener.

All callback functions must accept at least two arguments:

  • The handle of the object that is the source of the event

  • An event.EventData object or an object that is derived from the event.EventData

Syntax to Reference Callback

For a function: functionName
lh = addlistener(eventSourceObj,'EventName',@functionName)

For an ordinary method called with an object of the class: obj.methodName
lh = addlistener(eventSourceObj,'EventName',@obj.methodName)

For a static method:ClassName.methodName
lh = addlistener(eventSourceObj,'EventName',@ClassName.methodName)

For a function in a package:PackageName.functionName
lh = addlistener(eventSourceObj,'EventName',@PackageName.functionName)

Input Arguments for Callback Function

Define the callback function to accept the required arguments:

11 Events — Sending and Responding to Messages

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