MATLAB Object-Oriented Programming

(Joyce) #1

Properties with Access Lists

These sample classes show the behavior of a property that grants read access
(GetAccess) to a class. The GrantAccess class gives GetAccess to the NeedAccess
class for the Prop1 property:

classdef GrantAccess
properties (GetAccess = ?NeedAccess)
Prop1 = 7

The NeedAccess class defines a method that uses the value of the GrantAccess Prop1
value. The dispObj method is defined as a Static method, however, it could be an
ordinary method.

classdef NeedAccess
methods (Static)
function dispObj(GrantAccessObj)
disp(['Prop1 is: ',num2str(GrantAccessObj.Prop1)])

Get access to Prop1 is private so MATLAB returns an error if you attempt to access the
property from outside the class definition. For example, from the command line:

a = GrantAccess;

Getting the 'Prop1' property of the 'GrantAccess' class is not allowed.

However, MATLAB allows access to Prop1 by the NeedAccess class:


Prop1 is: 7

Methods with Access Lists

Classes granted access to a method can:

  • Call the method using an instance of the defining class.

Class Members Access
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