MATLAB Object-Oriented Programming

(Joyce) #1

OutPutName: 'outp'
OutPutRate: 75

int32 data:
3 12 12 48

Call Methods of int32

Use a MuxCard object like an array of int32 values. For example, this indexing
statement accesses the data in the object to determine the names of the input ports that
have a rate of 12 :


ans =
'inp2' 'inp3'

The indexing statement generates a logical array index:

omx == 12

ans =

0 1 1 0

Indexing the MuxCard object accesses the int32 vector of input port rates:


ans =
3 12

The OutPutRate property get access method uses sum to sum the output port rates:


ans =

Representing Hardware with Classes
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