MATLAB Object-Oriented Programming

(Joyce) #1
SetAccess: 'public'
Dependent: 0
Constant: 0
Abstract: 0
Transient: 0
Hidden: 0
GetObservable: 0
SetObservable: 0
AbortSet: 0
NonCopyable: 0
GetMethod: []
SetMethod: []
HasDefault: 1
DefaultValue: 'new'
DefiningClass: [1×1 meta.class]

The preceding display shows that a default BasicHandle object
Category property:

  • Has public GetAccess and SetAccess

  • Has a default value of new

For a list of property attributes, see “Table of Property Attributes” on page 8-9.

How to Index Metaclass Objects

Access other metaclass objects directly from the meta.class object properties. For
example, the statement:

mc = ?containers.Map;

returns a meta.class object:


ans =


Referencing the PropertyList meta.class property returns an array with one object for each property of the containers.Map class:


16 Information from Class Metadata

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