MATLAB Object-Oriented Programming

(Joyce) #1
The findAttrValue function returns a cell array of property names that set the
specified attribute.

The findAttrValue function accesses information from metadata using these

  • If input argument, obj, is a char vector, use the meta.class.fromName static
    method to get the meta.class object.

  • If input argument, obj, is an object, use the metaclass function to get the
    meta.class object.

  • Every property has an associated object. Obtain these objects from
    the meta.class PropertyList property.

  • Use the handle class findprop method to determine if the requested property
    attribute is a valid attribute name. All property attributes are properties of the object. The statement, findobj(mp,'PropertyName') determines
    whether the object, mp, has a property called PropertyName.

  • Reference object properties using dynamic field names. For example,
    if attrName = 'Constant', then MATLAB converts the expression mp.(attrName)
    to mp.Constant

  • The optional third argument enables you to specify the value of attributes whose
    values are not logical true or false (such as GetAccess and SetAccess).

function cl_out = findAttrValue(obj,attrName,varargin)
if ischar(obj)
mc = meta.class.fromName(obj);
elseif isobject(obj)
mc = metaclass(obj);
ii = 0; numb_props = length(mc.PropertyList);
cl_array = cell(1,numb_props);
for c = 1:numb_props
mp = mc.PropertyList(c);
if isempty (findprop(mp,attrName))
error('Not a valid attribute name')
attrValue = mp.(attrName);
if attrValue
if islogical(attrValue) || strcmp(varargin{1},attrValue)
ii = ii + 1;
cl_array(ii) = {mp.Name};

16 Information from Class Metadata

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