MATLAB Object-Oriented Programming

(Joyce) #1

Object Converters

In this section...
“Why Implement Converters” on page 17-12
“Converters for Package Classes” on page 17-12
“Converters and Subscripted Assignment” on page 17-13

Why Implement Converters

You can convert an object of one class to an object of another class. A converter method
has the same name as the class it converts to, such as char or double. Think of a
converter method as an overloaded constructor method of another class. The converter
takes an instance of its own class and returns an object of a different class.

Converters enable you to:

  • Use methods defined for another class

  • Ensure that expressions involving objects of mixed class types execute properly

  • Control how instances are interpreted in other contexts

Suppose that you define a polynomial class. If you create a double method for the
polynomial class, you can use it to call other functions that require inputs of type

p = polynomial(...);
dp = double(p);

p is a polynomial object, double is a method of the polynomial class, and roots is a
standard MATLAB function whose input arguments are the coefficients of a polynomial.

Converters for Package Classes

Classes defined in packages can have names that are a dot-separated list of names. The
last name is a class and preceding names are packages. Name the conversion methods
using the package qualifiers in the method names. For example, a conversion method to
convert objects of MyClass to objects of the PkgName.PkgClass class uses this method

17 Specialize Object Behavior

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