MATLAB Object-Oriented Programming

(Joyce) #1


getPropertyGroups Override

MATLAB calls getPropertyGroups to get the PropertyGroup objects, which control
how properties are displayed. This method override defines two different property lists
depending on the object’s state:

  • For nonscalar inputs, including empty arrays and arrays containing handles to deleted
    objects, create a property list as a cell array to reorder properties.

By default, MATLAB does not display property values for nonscalar inputs.

  • For scalar inputs, create two property groups with titles. The scalar code branch lists
    properties in a different order than the nonscalar case and includes Salary and
    Password properties. MATLAB automatically assigns property values.

  • Scalar handles to deleted objects do not result in a call to getPropertyGroups.

Both branches return a matlab.mixin.util.PropertyGroup object, which determines
how to displays the object properties.

Here is the EmployeeInfo override of the getPropertyGroups method. The protected
access is inherited from the superclass.

methods (Access = protected)
function propgrp = getPropertyGroups(obj)
if ~isscalar(obj)
propList = {'Department','Name','JobTitle'};
propgrp = matlab.mixin.util.PropertyGroup(propList);
gTitle1 = 'Public Info';
gTitle2 = 'Personal Info';
propList1 = {'Name','JobTitle'};
propList2 = {'Salary','Password'};
propgrp(1) = matlab.mixin.util.PropertyGroup(propList1,gTitle1);
propgrp(2) = matlab.mixin.util.PropertyGroup(propList2,gTitle2);

getFooter Override

MATLAB calls getFooter to get the footer text. The EmployeeInfo getFooter method
defines a footer for the display, which is included only when the input is a valid scalar
object. In all other cases, getFooter returns an empty char vector.

Customize Header, Property List, and Footer
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