Huge Profits with Affiliate Marketing:

(ff) #1

Set up your profile on each of the 'Big 3' sites – Twitter,
Facebook, and LinkedIn, and then start to connect with
people you know. Let them know what you are doing
online, and get the conversation moving.

Borrowing traffic refers to getting traffic from people who
already have it. There are a variety of techniques in which
to do this, and I'll discuss some of the best ones here.

 Guest blogging – This is one of my favorite ways to
borrow traffic from others. The idea is to connect
with someone who is in a niche that is
complimentary to yours. You each write three blog
posts for the other person's blog. This always
motivates me to write my very best content, and the
results have been outstanding. My friend and
colleague Nicole Dean has written the definitive
guide on guest blogging that you can pick up very
inexpensively at:

 Joint Ventures – When I was getting started on the
Internet I first heard about joint ventures (JV's)
from some of the biggest names in the industry.
This led me to believe that I could never do a JV
until I had proven myself for several years. In 2008
I was encouraged by Armand Morin to make a list
of the people I would most like to have this type of
business arrangement with, and soon I was
involved in several joint ventures. The idea is to
come together with one or more people to create a
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