Huge Profits with Affiliate Marketing:

(ff) #1
ezines. I was honored when I was first asked to do
this, and made sure they never had to ask me twice
for my submission when they were getting ready to
put together the next issue. The idea is that you are
creating content for their publication, and you are
able to include a link back to your site, or to any site
that you choose to promote.

 Endorsed mailings – As you become better known
online, other marketers will send out mailings on
your behalf. This took about two years for me, but
that will vary.

Buying traffic involves paid advertising with Google, MSN,
Facebook, and other sites. I do not recommend doing this
until you have been online for at least a few months and
have spent some time pursuing traffic you can build and
borrow first. It can be very costly to jump in to paid
advertising, unless you spend the time to learn how to do
this successfully.

When you are ready for this advanced strategy, I
recommend Armand Morin's trainings on Facebook
advertising and list building:

The best overall training on driving free traffic to your sites
is a brand new monthly program from one of the foremost

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