Huge Profits with Affiliate Marketing:

(ff) #1

Step 12:

Building Relationships

I refer to this as the 12th step, but it actually belongs in a
category all its own. Doing business on the Internet is
much like doing it offline; it is based on building,
cultivating, and nurturing relationships with the people
you wish to connect with over time.

Make a list of the movers and shakers within the niche you
wish to work in for your online business. Then make an
effort to get on each of these people's lists to see what they
have to offer and how they run their business.

And it's not only the 'big names' in your niche you will
want to build a relationship with to build your business.
Reach out to each person on your list, and let them know
you are interested in serving them and helping them to
reach their goals. I have formed lasting bonds with people
who started out as someone who opted in to my list. This is
where I turn to find joint venture partners and people I can
connect with in a deeper and more lasting way.

The relationships I continue to build are priceless. Make it
a point to spend some time each day thinking about how
you can reach out to others. Sometimes an email is
appropriate, while other times it is best to send a physical

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