Huge Profits with Affiliate Marketing:

(ff) #1

Optin Pages

An optin page is the name given to a page on the Internet
where a visitor can type in their name and email address in
order to receive more information on the topic discussed
on the site. These pages are also referred to as landing
pages, squeeze pages, shy-yes pages, and name squeeze
pages. These are simply different ways of saying the same
thing – when someone arrives at one of these pages on the
Internet they have two choices. They may either add their
name and email address or click away from the site.

It is most typical for the owner of the site to offer
something in exchange for your name and email address.
This is the free giveaway, also known as an ethical bribe.
The idea is that the prospect will be so interested in
receiving this free gift, which may be an audio recording, a
video, a short report, or something else, that they will be
willing to exchange their name and email address in order
to get it.

Optin pages work very well, whether you are promoting
your own products and services or working in affiliate
marketing. Once someone opts in, they are taken to a sales
page or a download page, depending on how it is set up.
Either way, they are added to that person‟s list so that they
can continue to market to them over time. The next step is
to get as much traffic, or visitors, to the page as possible.

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