Huge Profits with Affiliate Marketing:

(ff) #1

computer by web sites you visit and is done quietly, most of
the time without you even being aware of this event.
Cookies pose no harm to your computer or to your privacy
other than to indicate to the web server when the same
browser returns back to the site.

These cookies also have a lifetime associated with them.
Some are immediate session cookies. These cookies are
only in existence until the user closes the browser window.
Other cookies may have expiration on them. They will be
saved on your computer's hard drive and sent back to the
web server by the browser until a certain date specified by
the server when the cookie was originally provided to the

I set the cookies for my affiliate program to three years.
This means that someone who is referred to my sites will
be cookied in for the next three years, and affiliate
commission will be paid on any purchases that person
makes during that time.

My affiliate program, which is run through the 1 Shopping
Cart system, uses 'last cookie', which means that the
person who actually refers the product when it is
purchased will be credited with the sale.

Other programs are sometimes run with the 'first cookie'
system, which means that once someone clicks on the link
they are cookied in to the initial referrer, making it

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