Huge Profits with Affiliate Marketing:

(ff) #1

1) You join an affiliate program through their signup
process. (Free)

2) You are immediately assigned a unique affiliate
tracking link.

3) You promote the affiliate tracking link in a variety of
ways. (More on this later)

4) You earn commissions on orders generated through
your promotion.

That's affiliate marketing in a nutshell. You promote your
"affiliate link" and get paid when people click thru your
link and buy the product you are promoting. It's super easy
and super fast to get started. In fact...

You literally can be signed up for an affiliate
program in less than 5 minutes!

But what makes affiliate marketing so desirable - and really
separates it from other business models - is what you DO
NOT need to have in place...

1. You don't need to create your own products.
Many people find the idea of creating their own
products to be a daunting, overwhelming and even
paralyzing task. "I don't have any good ideas! I'm not a
writer! There's too much competition! I don't know
how to set everything up!" These are just a few of the
valid reasons many people have when it comes to not
getting their own products to sell. BUT, with

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