Huge Profits with Affiliate Marketing:

(ff) #1

Step 2:

Doing Your Research

This is where our second step comes in; doing your
research. Don't skimp on the time and effort you put into
your research, because you will want to know as much as
you can about the market you wish to work in. The
research process includes:

 Finding out what is for sale in this niche
 Seeing who the 'players' are in this niche
 Learning which keyword phrases people use when
searching for information on this topic

 Looking for the paid advertisements

There are several ways to see if there is a market for the
niche you choose. Google it and see if there are any paid
advertisements along the top and the sides of the page.
This is always a good indication of what's going on in the
niche. Now look at the organic results, the ones down the
left hand side of the page, to see what is going on right now
with the niche.

This is what comes back when I Google 'scuba diving
lessons in Hawaii':

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