Huge Profits with Affiliate Marketing:

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Marlon's Amazing Formula at

© Marlon Sanders

Here is another one he wrote that shares some of his best

Stupid Mistakes I've Made During My Internet Marketing
By Marlon C. Sanders

I got in this crazy business of Internet marketing teaching
and training (i.e. the Guru business) back in the AOL and
CompuServe days. I've been selling online ever since. And
unfortunately, not every decision I've made or action I've
taken has been a good or smart one.

I've enjoyed fabulous success online and still do. However,
we all make mistakes, so I figured I'd share a few of mine
with you in the hopes that you learn from my pain. Here
are a few bonehead things I've done:

Mistake 1: Using the name of my products as the title of my
web pages. I still have web pages like this.

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