Huge Profits with Affiliate Marketing:

(ff) #1

It's embarrassing actually! For the record ladies and
gentlemen, use the keywords you'd like to be ranked for in
Google, Yahoo and MSN as the title of your web page.

Mistake 2: Getting into disagreements with other

I haven't had a lot of disagreements. But I've had a few
over the course of my career. And I think every single one
of them came back to haunt me.

You never know who the next superstar in this business is
going to be. Your superstars are the ones who put on the
big seminars and control public opinion.

The Internet marketing audience is very social proof
driven. You may be top dog today and feel like you have the
right to create a few enemies. Don't do it!

Mistake 3: Assuming you'll be as famous tomorrow as you
are today.

The Internet marketing guru business is a celebrity
business. Fame is fleeting, just as it is in Hollywood.

Mistake 4: Not having a coaching program.

Without a coaching program, people don't attribute their
success to you. They simply see you as someone they
bought a product from. You need success stories from
people who will attribute their success to your wisdom and

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