Huge Profits with Affiliate Marketing:

(ff) #1

guidance. This is the job of a coaching program. You need

Mistake 5: Cutting down on my speaking schedule.

I'm human. My mom had Alzheimer's disease, so I cut
down my speaking schedule. But once you cut down, it's
challenging to rev back up. That's something I'm doing

But it certainly takes more effort than when I was being
invited to almost every single event.

Mistake 6: Not supporting my friends in the business as
much as I should have.

Everyone needs friends who will go to bat to their email list
for them. I didn't do this with some of my closest friends,
and I should have. I regret not doing it.

Mistake 7: Not taking greater advantage of article
marketing over the years. Articles are a great way to spread
the word about your ideas and concepts.

Marlon Sanders has a new Traffic Dashboard that lets you
point 'n click your way to big traffic. As a featured speaker
at 120 Internet marketing seminars around the world,
Marlon brings a sense of humor to his marketing, along
with a line of Dashboard products that guide you step-by-
step. Take a look at

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