(Dana P.) #1

Hindu Religious Studies 99


  1. Answer the questions below:
    a. How should we behave with our elders?
    b. What happens if we pay respect to our parents?
    c. Why did Nachiketa ask his father to take him as a
    d. How did Dharmabyadh gain supernatural powers?
    e. Briefly narrate the story of Nachiketa.
    f. Briefly narrate the story of Dharmabyadh.

  2. Answer the following questions in short:
    a. Why should we respect our parents and superiors?
    b. What is mentioned about father in the Holy Books?
    c. What is mentioned about mother in the Holy Books?
    d. What is mentioned about preceptors in the Holy Books?
    e. What is the name of Nachiketa's father? What sacrificial
    rite did he perform?
    f. Whom did Nachiketa's father offer Nachiketa to?
    g. Why did Brahmin Kaushik feel proud?
    h. Why did Dharmabyadh sell meat?
    i. What did the housewife say to Kaushik when he looked at
    her angrily?
    j. What did Dharmabyadh advise Kaushik?

  3. Fill in the blanks:
    a. They always our welfare.
    b. Pitri Preetimapanne Preeyante

    c. Trishu Lokeshu Nasti Guruh.
    d. In the ancient times there was a saint named

    e. Father, whom would you me to?
    went to the god of death to keep his father's

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