(Dana P.) #1

104 Devotion to Ishwara and Elders
Sanjay to prepare for a war against the occupants. She censured him
and said, 'It seems that you are not my son. My son can never be a
coward like you. Remember your father, the valiant king of Sauvir.
How powerful and courageous he was! He could never tolerate such
domination by others. Be fearless, defeat the enemy and reoccupy
the kingdom.
Sanjay said, 'If I get killed in the war, what will you do with the
whole world, mother?'

Bidula got very angry. She said, "Death for freedom is the death of a
hero. We must die some day. If you have to sacrifice your life by
fighting for your independence and free your country from the grip
of your enemy, let it be so then. Man becomes immortal even after
his death in a religious war and he wins heaven in the next world. So
go to war like a hero with the vow 'Freedom or death.' "
Sanjay could realize his mistake at his mother's inspiring words. He
fought bravely against the enemy. The king of Sind was defeated.
Sanjay regained his lost kingdom.

The kingdom of Sauvir trembled with the victorious cries of all its
subjects. They congratulated their king. And Bidula became
memorable for his unique example of patriotism. It is really
astonishing to think what extent of patriotism the mother had in
order to send her son to a battle risking his life. Bidula's patriotism
was so deep and incomparable.


  1. Answer the questions below:
    a. What do you mean by keeping promises?
    b. What is the benefit of keeping promises?
    c. Explain the saying, 'Keeping promises is an act of religion'.
    d. Write the story about 'Keeping Promises by Karna' in short?

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