(Dana P.) #1

108 Devotion to Ishwara and Elders

As a proud man he did not look at Sudhanna affectionately.
Sudhanna was of his age. He was the son of Saint Angira. The
relation between the two was not good at all.
Once there was a debate between the two on who was greater. This
greatness was not of age, but of wisdom and virtue.
Biracan said, 'I'm superior.'
Sudhanna replied, 'No, it can't be so. I am superior to you in all
Then the matter went to the court of king Prahlad.
Sudhanna said, 'O the great king, please decide who is wiser
between the two of us.'
Sudhanna also told the king, 'I know, you always keep the truth.
Heaven cannot be attained by telling a lie. So please keep the truth
in your judgment.'
The king listened to everything. Then he thought for a while. In the
long run he gave his verdict and said, 'Sudhanna, although Biracan
is a prince, his courage and wisdom is not less than those of yours.
But he is a bit boastful. Moreover, he is ill-tempered. So you are
superior to him. You possess in a greater extent the qualities like
truthfulness, generosity, sacrifice and self-control.'
Once again the king Prahlad proved his nobility by keeping the
truth. He did not do partiality out of his affection for his own son.
Everybody was full of praise for king Prahlad.
Keeping the truth is, indeed, an act of religion.


  1. Answer the questions below:
    a. Write in short the meaning of 'Keeping the Truth'.
    b. What is the benefit of keeping the truth?
    c. How did Prahlad keep the truth?
    d. How was Sudhanna superior to Biracan?

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