(Dana P.) #1

Hindu Religious Studies 109

e. Why didn't Prahlad take the side of his son?
f. 'Truth is an act of relgion' -- explain.

  1. Answer the following questions in short:
    a. What is the effect of keeping the truth?
    b. Who was Prahlad?
    c. How was the relation between Prahlad and Biracan?
    d. Which qualities did Sudhanna possess to a greater extent?

  2. Fill in the blanks:
    a. is also an act of religion.
    b. There is no
    greater than truth.
    c. Ishwara also becomes if the truth is spoken.
    d. Prahlad always kept the
    in ruling his kingdom.
    e. Once again the king proved his ___ by keeping the

  3. Find out the right or wrong sentences:
    a. There is no act of religion greater than the truth.
    b. Truth is Ishwara-like.
    c. There is no sin in telling lies.
    d. Sudhanna was the son of Prahlad.
    e. Biracan never got angry.

  4. Match the words from the right side with the words in
    the left:

Keeping the truth is
Sudhanna is saint Angira’s
The story ‘Keeping the Truth
by Prahlad ’ is
King Prahlad did not do

taken from the Mahabharata.
to his son.

an act of religion.
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