(Dana P.) #1
110 Devotion to Ishwara and Elders

  1. Put tick marks ( ) on correct answers:
    i. What is the effect of keeping the truth? Everybody

  2. happy. 2. rich.

  3. strong. 4. unhappy.
    ii Telling lies is

  4. a sin. 2. a virtue.

  5. pleasant. 4. good.
    iii. Who attempted to kill Prahlad on several occasions?

  6. Sudhanna. 2. Biracan.

  7. Hiranyakashipu. 4. Hiranyakshma.
    iv. Who was the father of Biracan?

  8. Indra. 2. Hiranyakashipu.

  9. Angira. 4. Prahlad.
    v. What is the reaction of Ishwara if the truth is kept?

  10. happy. 2. unhappy.

  11. angry. 4. fearful.

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