(Dana P.) #1
Hindu Religious Studies 111
Unity of Ishwara and Religious Equality

This earth is the dwelling place of diverse people. Their clothes,
manners, behaviours, customs and religion are also different.
We are the Hindus. The customary name of our religion is
Hinduism. This religion is very ancient. It prevailed in the past, it is
prevailing at present and it will prevail in future, too. This is why it
is called Sanatana Dharma or eternal religion. It means the religion
that exists for ever.
There are many religions in the world. For example, Buddhism,
Christianity, Islam etc. Religion originates from Ishwara. It is true of
all religions. One can reach the same Creator by observing one's own
religion. To be obedient to one's own religion is the instruction of all
the Holy Books.
We call the Creator Ishwara. The Christians call Him God. The
Muslims call Him Allah. In fact, Ishwara, God and Allah are the
different names of the same Creator. The same Ishwara has been in
different religions, in different languages, in different names.

There are differences of opinions and ways of worship and prayer.
But the basic principle of all religions is the same. And it is the fact
that Ishwara exists. We must gain His mercy and do good to all
created beings. The common purpose of all religions is to attain
one's salvation and to do good to all creatures. So we should not
neglect any religion. Ishwara Himself does not do so. In the
Shrimadbhagawatgita Shrikrishna says,
'Je Jatha Mang Prapadyante Tangstathaiba Bhajamham.
Mama Bartmanubartante Manushyah Partha Sarbashah.'
(Geeta 4/11)
It means that I satisfy one the way one worships me. Men follow my
way in all directions. From this point of view Paramhangsadeva said,
'many views, many ways.'

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